Accessing Supported Accommodation: A Guide to Application and Eligibility

Explore supported accommodation options for individuals with learning disabilities, physical or sensory impairments, or mental health challenges. Learn about the application process, tenancy agreements, and support services provided. Whether you're familiar with our support services or new to them, find information on how to apply and undergo a care needs assessment.

Introduction: Discovering the Right Supportive Environment for Your Needs

Supported accommodation is designed for individuals with specific support needs, including learning disabilities, physical or sensory impairments, and mental health conditions. This guide provides insights into the nature of supported accommodation, tenancy agreements, and the application process.

Understanding Supported Accommodation: Supported accommodation offers a range of living arrangements, from self-contained flats to shared spaces where residents have individual bedrooms but share communal areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Each resident holds a tenancy agreement with standard tenants' rights, ensuring a secure and respectful living environment.

Inclusive Support Services: Dedicated support workers are stationed within the accommodation, providing assistance tailored to individual needs. Depending on the tenants' requirements, support workers may also stay overnight to offer continuous care and assistance.

Application Process: If you believe supported accommodation is suitable for you or someone you care for, initiate the process by completing a support enquiry. For those already receiving support services at home, a comprehensive review of care and support needs can be arranged. If you're new to our services, and support is not currently received at home, we will facilitate a thorough care needs assessment.

Already Receiving Support? If you are familiar with our support services and currently receive assistance at home, our team can conduct a review to ensure your accommodation aligns with your evolving needs.

New to Our Services? For those new to our support services, we'll initiate a complete care needs assessment to understand your unique requirements and tailor our support accordingly.

Conclusion: At Pinehirst, our commitment is to provide supportive accommodation that meets the diverse needs of individuals. Whether you're navigating our services for the first time or seeking an adjustment in your existing support, the application process is designed to ensure a seamless transition to an environment that promotes well-being and independence. Explore the possibilities today by completing a support enquiry or initiating a care needs assessment.


Navigating Supported Accommodation: A Helping Hand Towards Independence